Date: 29.12.2023
A workshop on ‘Research Methodology’ was organized by IQAC in Padmashri Manibhai Desai Mahavidyalaya, Uruli Kanchan.
The purpose of the workshop was to promote the research culture in the teaching staff of the college and postgraduate students. The objectives were:
- To make the participants aware of the concept of research
- To introduce to the participants the various methods of research
- To conduct hands-on sessions on ‘Research Paper Writing’
Venue: Seminar Hall, Padmashri Manibhai Desai Mahavidyalaya.
Dates: 26th to 29th December 2023
Timing: 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
Day 1: 26th December 2023
The inauguration ceremony was held in the Seminar Hall. The program started at 11.00 am. Assistant Prof. Anuja Zate was the anchor. Head of the Arts Faculty, Dr. Samir Abnave was the chairperson. Asst. Prof. Anuja Zate outlined the purpose and objectives of the workshop in her introductory address. The workshop was inaugurated by igniting the lamp. The Heads of the department of the college participated in igniting the lamp.
IQAC Coordinator Asst. Prof. Nandkishor Mete conducted a hands-on session on ‘How to write a Research Paper’. In his PowerPoint presentation, he explained 1. Types of Research 2. Steps in writing a research paper 3. Structure of the Research Paper.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Samir Abnave in his address, focused on the idea and Scope of research. He shared his experiences regarding research with the participants.
Day 2:
Anchoring was done by Asst. Prof. Bhor A.P.
Day 3:
In the first session, a lecture was delivered by Dr. Arun Kolekar, Sharadchandraji Pawar College, Jejuri, on the subject ‘Methods of Research’. He outlined various types of research and methods used in research. The chairman of the program was Dr. B.A. Bhagat. A vote of thanks was proposed by Asst. Prof. Sujata Gaikwad.
Anchor for the program was Dr Samir Abnave.
Day 4:
The first session was held on ‘Technique of Writing Research Paper’, The resource person was Prof. Mete N. R. In this hands-on session, parts of the research paper were explained. The points explained were: 1. How to write a literature review. 2. How to collect data 3. Techniques of analysis of data. The teachers present participated in the session by preparing an outline of a research paper.
In the second session, Dr. Avinash Borkar delivered a lecture on ‘Need of Research in the new NEP 2020’. The concluding address was given by Dr. B. A. Bhagat. Vote of thanks by Dhonage S. S. Anchor was Asst. Prof. Anuja Zate.
Dr. Amol Botre addressing the teachers Prof. Nandkishor Mete giving lecture of ‘How to Write Research paper’ Dr. Arun Kolekar guiding the teachers