T.Y.B.A. Course Outcomes

(2013 Pattern)

Compulsory English (Literary Pinnacles)CO1: To introduce students to the best uses of language in literature.
CO2: To familiarize students with the communicative power of English
CO3: To enable students to become competent users of English in real life situations
CO4: To expose students to varied cultural experiences through literature
CO5: To contribute to their overall personality development by improving their communicative and soft skills  
General English G-3 (Advanced Study of English Language and Literature)CO1: To expose students to some of the best samples of Indian English Poetry
CO2: To make the students see how Indian English poetry expresses the ethos and culture of India
CO3: To make them understand creative uses of language in Indian English Poetry CO4: To introduce students to some advanced areas of language study
CO5: To prepare students to go for detailed study and understanding of literature and language
CO6: To develop integrated view about language and literature among the students  
English-S3(Appreciating Novel)CO1: To introduce students to the basics of novel as a literary form
CO2: To expose students to the historical development and nature of novel
CO3: To make students aware of different types and aspects of novel
CO4: To develop literary sensibility and sense of cultural diversity in students
CO5: To expose students to some of the best examples of novel  
English –S4(Introduction to Literary Criticism)CO1: To introduce students to the basics of literary criticism
CO2: To make them aware of the nature and historical development of criticism CO3: To make them familiar with the significant critical approaches and terms CO4: To encourage students to interpret literary works in the light of the critical approaches
CO5: To develop aptitude for critical analysis  
Marathi G3  CO1: Get acquainted to various movements in Modern Marathi literature.
CO2: Generate interest in modern Marathi literature.
CO3: Get introduced to media.
CO4: Develop skill in preparing materials for media including Newspaper, Radio and TV
History-G3(HISTORY OF THE WORLD)CO1: To help the student to know Modern World. To acquaint the student with the Socio-economic & Political developments in other countries. And understand the contemporary world in the light of its background History.
CO2: To orient the students with political history of Modern World.
CO3: To acquaint Students about the main developments in the Contemporary World (To understand to important development in 20th century World.)
CO4: Impart knowledge about world concepts.
CO5: To enable students to understand the economic transition in World during the 20th Century.
CO6: Become aware of the principles, forces, processes and problems of the recent times.
CO7: To acquaint the students with growth of various political movements that shaped the modern world.
CO8: To highlight the rise and growth of nationalism as a movement in different parts of the world.  
History S3 (INTRODUCTION TO HISTORY)CO1: To orient students about how history is studied, written and understood.
CO2: To explain methods and tools of data collection
CO3: To understand the meaning of Evolution of Historiography.
CO4: To study the Various Views of Historiography.
CO5: To study the approaches to Historiography.
CO6: To study the types of Indian Historiography.
CO7: To describe importance of inter-disciplinary research.
CO8: To introduce students to the basics of research.
CO9: To acquaint the student with the recent research in History.
CO10: Learn how to use sources in their presentation.  
History S4 (HISTORY OF ASIA IN 20TH CENTURY (1914 –1992))CO1: To orient the students with political history of Asia.
CO2: To enable students to understand the economic transition in Asia during 20th Centuries.
CO3: Understand the important developments in the 20th century Asia in a Thematic approach.
CO4: To provide students with an overall view and broad perspective different movements connected with  Nationalist aspirations in the region of Asia in general. CO5: To empower students to cope with the challenges of globalization.  
Geography G3(Regional Geography of India)CO1: To acquaint the students with geography of our Nation.
CO2: To make the student aware of the magnitude of problems and Prospects at National level.
CO3: To help the students to understand the inter relationship between the subject and the society.
CO4: To help the students to understand the recent trends in regional studies.  
Geography S3(AGRICULTURAL GEOGRAPHY)CO1: To Introduce students Agricultural activities and its relation with Geography. CO2: To Familiarize the students with new modern technical methods and their applications in Agricultural activities.
CO3: To enable students to apply Previously knowledge in Problems and Prospects in agriculture
Geography S4(Techniques of Spatial Analysis)CO1: To Introduce the Students with SOI Toposheets and to acquire the Knowledge of Toposheet Reading/Interpretation.
CO2: To familiarize the students with the weather instruments and their applications in Geographical phenomena. CO3: To acquaint the students with IMD weather maps and to gain the knowledge of weather map Reading / interpretation. CO4: To train the students in elementary statistics as an essential part of geography. CO5: To awareness about GIS among the students.  
SociologyCO1: To develop Sociological understanding of work, it’s changing nature and impact on society.
CO2: To introduce types of organizations in industrial and post-industrial society.
CO3: To expose students to the impact of New Economic Policies on formal and informal sector.  
Psychology(INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGYCO1: The emergence of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
CO2: The work done in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
CO3: The significance of training, performance appraisal, leadership models CO4: The importance of Engineering Psychology  
Politics(LOICAL SELF GOVERNMENT IN MAHARASHTRA)CO1:To introduce the students to the structure of Local Self Government of Maharashtra.
CO2: To make students aware of the various Local Self Institutions, their functions, compositions and importance. CO3: To identity the role of Local Government and Local Leadership in development.  
Economics (G.3 Economic Development & Planning)CO1: Understand a new approach to the study of the Indian Economy.
CO2: Ability to analyze the present status of the Indian Economy.
CO3: Understand the process of integration of the Indian Economy with other economies of the world.
CO4: Get acquainted with the emerging issues in policies of India’s foreign trade.
Marathi-G3 (आधुनिक मराठी साहित्य आणि व्यावहारिक उपयोजित मराठी)CO1: आधुनिक मराठी साहित्यातील विविध साहित्य प्रकारांचा परिचय वाढविणे. त्यांचे आकलन करून घेणे साहित्याबद्दलची अभिरुची विकसित  करून कलाकृतींचा आस्वाद घेण्याची क्षमता वाढवणे.
CO2: नेमलेल्या कलाकृतींच्या संदर्भात साहित्यपरंपरेचे स्थूल परिचय करून देणे.
CO3: भाषेचे यथोचित आकलन करण्याची व वापर करण्याची यथायोग्य क्षमता विकसित करणे.
CO4:  ‘ निबंध’ व ’प्रवासवर्णन’ या साहित्य प्रकाराचे तात्विक विवेचन करणे.
CO5: विद्यार्थ्यांची वाचन व लेखन क्षमता विकसित करून त्यांना ग्रंथपरिक्षणाची आवड निर्माण व्हावी यासाठी प्रवृत्त करणे.
Marathi-S3 (साहित्याविचार)CO1: साहित्याचे स्वरूप समजावून घेणे.
CO2: साहित्याची प्रयोजने समजावून घेणे.
CO3: साहित्य निर्मितीची प्रक्रिया समजावून घेणे.
CO4: साहित्याची भाषा समजावून घेणे.
CO5: साहित्याची आस्वाद प्रक्रिया समजावून घेणे. CO6: साहित्यिक अभिरुची समजावून घेणे.
CO7: साहित्य आणि समाज यातील परस्परसंबंध समजावून घेणे.
CO8: साहित्यप्रकाराची संकल्पना समजावून घेणे
CO9: वाड्मयीन मूल्य समजावून घेणे.
Marathi-S4 (भाषाविज्ञानवर्णात्मक इतिहासिक)CO1: भाषेचे स्वरूप व कार्य, भाषेच्या अभ्यासाचे महत्त्व, भाषेच्या अभ्यासाची प्रमुख अंगे जाणून घेणे.
CO2: भाषा म्हणजे काय व त्याचे मानवी जीवनातील कार्य व महत्व जाणून घेणे.
CO3: वेगवेगळ्या भाषा अभ्यासपद्धतीचे वेगळेपण व महत्त्व जाणून घेणे.
CO4: स्वंननिर्मितीची प्रक्रिया समजावून घेणे.
CO5: वांगिद्रियांची रचना व कार्य समजावून घेणे.
CO6: स्वनविज्ञान,  स्वानिम संकल्पना आणि मराठीची स्वानिम व्यवस्था जाणून घेणे.
CO7: मराठीची रुपीमव्यवस्था  समजावून घेणे.
CO8: वाक्यविन्यास  अर्थविन्यास या भाषावैज्ञानिक संकल्पनांचा मराठीच्या संदर्भात स्थूल परिचय.
CO9: ऐतिहासिक भाषाभ्यास पद्धतीचे स्वरूप व महत्त्व लक्षात घेणे
CO10: भाषाकुलाची संकल्पना जाणून घेऊन मराठी भाषेच्या उत्पत्ती चा अभ्यास करणे.
CO11: मराठी भाषेचा उत्पत्ती काळ जाणून घेऊन तत्कालीन भाषिक स्थित्यंतराचा आढावा घेणे. CO12:टप्प्याटप्प्याने भाषा म्हणून मराठीच्या वाटचालीचा ऐतिहासिक आढावा घेणे.