T.Y.B.Sc.(Comp. Sci.) Course Outcomes

(2013 Pattern)

CS-331 System ProgrammingCO1:To understand the design structure of a simple editor.
CO2:  To understand the design structure of Assembler and macro processor for an hypothetical.
CO3:  simulated computer.  To understand the working of linkers and loaders and other development utilities.  
CO4: To understand Complexity of Operating system as a software.
CS-332 Theoretical Computer ScienceCO1: To have an understanding of finite state and pushdown automata.
CO2: To have a knowledge of regular languages and context free languages.
CO3:  To know the relation between regular language, context free language and corresponding recognizers.
CO4: To study the Turing machine and classes of problems
CS-333 Computer Networks-ICO1: Understand different types of networks, various topologies and application of networks. CO2:  Understand types of addresses, data communication.
CO3: Understand the concept of networking models, protocols, functionality of each layer. CO4: Learn basic networking hardware and tools
CS-334 Internet Programming- ICO1: Learn Core-PHP, Server Side Scripting Language  CO2: Learn PHP-Database handling.
CS-335 Programming in Java-ICO1: To learn Object Oriented Programming language 
CO2:To handle abnormal termination of a program using exception handling  
CO3:To create flat files
CO4:  To design User Interface using Swing and AWT
CS-336 Object Oriented Software EngineeringCO1: Understanding importance of Object Orientation in Software engineering
CO2: Understand the components of Unified Modeling Language
CO3: Understand techniques and diagrams related to structural modeling
CO4: Understand techniques and diagrams related to behavioral modeling
CO5: Understand techniques of Object Oriented analysis, design and testing
CS-341 Operating SystemCO1: To understand design issues related to process management and various related algorithms
CO2: To understand design issues related to memory management and various related algorithms
CO3:  To understand design issues related to File management and various related algorithms
CS-342 Compiler ConstructionCO1: To understand design issues of a lexical analyzer and use of Lex tool
CO2: To understand design issues of a parser and use of Yacc tool
CO3:  To understand issues related to memory allocation
CO4:  To understand and design code generation schemes
CS-343 Computer Networks-IICO1: Basic networking concepts.
CO2:  Understand wired and wireless networks, its types, functionality of layer.  
CO3: Understand importance of network security and cryptography.
CS-344 Internet Programming- IICO1: Learn different technologies used at client Side Scripting Language
CO2:  Learn XML,CSS and XML parsers.  
CO3:  One PHP framework for effective design of web application.
CO4:  Learn JavaScript to program the behavior of web pages.  
CO5: Learn AJAX to make our application more dynamic.
Programming in Java-II
CO1: To learn database programming using Java 
CO2:To study web development concept using Servlet and JSP
CO3: To develop a game application using multithreading
CO4: To learn socket programming concept
CS-346 Computer GraphicsCO1: To study how graphics objects are represented in Computer 
CO2: To study how graphics system in a computer supports presentation of graphics information
CO3: To study how interaction is handled in a graphics system
CO4:  To study how to manipulate graphics object by applying different transformations
CO5: To provide the programmer’s perspective of working of computer graphics
CS-347 Practicals Based on CS-331 and CS341 – Sem I & Sem IICO1: Design and implement System programs with minimal features to understand their complexity.
CO2: Design and implement simulations of operating system level procedures.
CS-348 Practicals Based on CS-335 and CS-344 – Sem I & Sem II and Computer Graphics using JavaCO1: Implement core Java programs to solve simple problems
CO2: Implement Client and Server end Java programs
CS-349 Practicals Based on CS-334 and CS-344 – Sem I & Sem II and ProjectCO1: Implement Simple PHP programs to solve simple problems