F.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.) Course Outcomes

(2019 Pattern)

CA-101 Business CommunicationCO1: To understand what is the role of communication in personal and business world. CO2: To understand system and communication and their utility.
CO3: To develop proficiency in how to write business letters and other communications in required b
CA-102 Principles of ManagementCO1:  To understand basic concept regarding org. Business Administration.  
CO2: To examining how various management principles.
CO3:  To develop managerial skills among the students
CA-103 C LanguageCO1: To teach basic principles of programming. CO2: To develop skills for writing programs using ‘C’  
CA-104 Database Management SystemCO1: To understand creations, manipulation and querying of data in databases
CA-105 StatisticsCO1: To understand role and importance of statistics in various business situations.
CO2: To develop skills related with basic statistical technique.
CO3: Develop right understanding regarding regression, correlation and data interpretation
CA-201 Organization Behavior & Human Resource ManagementCO1: To understand basic concept of HRM & OB. CO2: To make aware students about traditional & modern methods of procurement & development in organization.
CO3: To know the major trends in HRM & OB
CA-202 Financial AccountingCO1: To develop right understanding regarding role and importance of monetary and financial transactions in business.
CO2: To cultivate right approach towards classifications of different transactions and their implications.
CO3: To develop proficiency preparation of basic financial as to how to write basis accounting statement – Trading and P&L
CA-203 Business MathematicsCO1: To understand role and importance of Mathematics in various business situations and while developing softwares.
CO2: To develop skills related with basic mathematical technique
CA-204 Relational databaseCO1: Enables students to understand relational database concepts and transaction management concepts in database system. CO2: Enables student to write PL/SQL programs that use: procedure, function, package, cursor and trigger.
CA-205 Web Technology HTML-JS-CSSCO1: To know & understand concepts of internet programming. CO2: To understand how to develop web based applications using JavaScript