Curricular Aspects:
- To improve student enrolment
- To augment academic infrastructure
- To introduce career-oriented courses, short term courses, value added courses, diploma and advanced diploma courses aimed at making the students employable
- Provide good academic flexibility at UG level
- To establish the well-structured feedback system on curriculum from all the stakeholders
- To encourage the faculty members to participate in curriculum design and review at university level
- To conduct academic and other quality related audits
Teaching, Learning and evaluation:
- To promote the use of ICT based teaching methodology.
- To conduct remedial programmes for the slow learners and give special guidance to the advanced learners
- Use innovative evaluation methods and increase transparency in evaluation system
- To initiate student centric teaching methods
- To adopt and use the online learning methods
- To strengthen the Self Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff
Research and Extension:
- To encourage the faculty to engage in consultancy services
- To enhance the quality of MoU’s / Collaborations/Linkages with different industries, institutes for research, field projects, student trainings, teacher training and exchange to enhance the employability of the students.
- To increase participation of students in research through, field projects, in-house projects, publishing research papers in seminars, conferences, workshop etc.
- To conduct outreach programme with the help of NSS
- To motivate faculty to get involved in research by undertaking Major and Minor research projects, publishing research papers in good impact factor journals.
- To organize the International/National seminars on research and quality related themes
Infrastructure and Learning resources:
- To make improvement in infrastructure facilities like – construction of more ICT enabled class rooms and laboratories, construction of indoor sports facility and gymnasium on the campus.
- To provide Wi-Fi facility to the students and the staff
- To provide e-learning resources like e-journals, e-books to students and teachers
- Augmentation of the sports infrastructural facilities
- Augmentation of the library facilities
Student Support and Progression:
- To conduct soft skill development programme for students
- Organize study tours, industrial visits, field visits
- Organize sports competitions.
- Strengthening of Placement cell and improvement of placement services
- To introduce the student centric learning methods
- To Strengthen the career counseling and competitive examination guidance center
- To initiate Alumni engagement for development of college
Governance, Leadership and Management:
- Underlying principle of the Parent Organization of the college is ‘Sarvodaya’, it will be ensured that every activity reflects this function.
- The needs of the neighbouring community will be heard and the organization will effectively respond to those needs.
- The management and employees will work together to create synergies for the betterment of the institute
- To adopt modern methods and systems in to college administration.
- Teaching Staff will be motivated to attend the Faculty Development Programmes
- Annual performance appraisal system to be formalized for teaching and non teaching staff
- To implement various staff welfare schemes and programs
- To conduct the external and internal audits regularly and periodically
Institutional Values and Best Practices:
The college will follow practices of-
- Promotion of Environmental Consciousness among students
- Empowering Girl Students
- Value added courses/short term courses
- Earn and learn scheme
- College will ensure clean and hygienic campus
- Energy conservation by reducing Electricity consumption through installation of LED lights, solar panels etc.
- The College will take initiative in conducting regular green audit
- The college will promote eco-friendly campus and will achieve paperless administration.
- To undertake and apply scientific methods for waste management
- College will take initiatives for water recycling